We can DO and BE better. There is opportunity and possibility!
Have you noticed that literature doesn’t always support or inform our current practice? Maybe you’ve attended a conference or read an article suggesting we do things differently? Perhaps you just want to make things better, but aren’t sure where to start?
Implementing and sustaining change follows a pattern. Curiosity leads to reviewing the literature, using credible sources, mobilizing a team, proposing and testing change, and then sustaining a new normal. We’ll walk you through the change process, teach you how to navigate politics, culture, and people, and provide you with resources to keep the process simple, do-able, and efficient. Learn HOW to translate evidence into practice to improve outcomes.
Learn how to lead change.
It takes passion, perseverance, and work.
Who better to do it, than you!?
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will identify one area of opportunity to change on their unit
- Participants will articulate and integrate 6 steps to change the game into their practice
- Participants will verbalize one SMART goal relevant to their area of change
- Participants will be able to identify 3 credible sources for lit review
*4.25 contact hours (CEs). Class expires two years from the purchase date.
Bundle Birth, A Nursing Corporation, is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17368 to provide 4.25 contact hours upon completion of this class.