Leading Change

We can DO and BE better. There is opportunity and possibility!

Have you noticed that literature doesn’t always support or inform our current practice? Maybe you’ve attended a conference or read an article suggesting we do things differently? Perhaps you just want to make things better, but aren’t sure where to start?

Implementing and sustaining change follows a pattern. Curiosity leads to reviewing the literature, using credible sources, mobilizing a team, proposing and testing change, and then sustaining a new normal. We’ll walk you through the change process, teach you how to navigate politics, culture, and people, and provide you with resources to keep the process simple, do-able, and efficient. Learn HOW to translate evidence into practice to improve outcomes.

Learn how to lead change.

It takes passion, perseverance, and work.

Who better to do it, than you!? 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will identify one area of opportunity to change on their unit
  2. Participants will articulate and integrate 6 steps to change the game into their practice
  3. Participants will verbalize one SMART goal relevant to their area of change
  4. Participants will be able to identify 3 credible sources for lit review

*4.25 contact hours (CEs). Class expires two years from the purchase date. 

Bundle Birth, A Nursing Corporation, is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17368 to provide 4.25 contact hours upon completion of this class.

Position Guide Demo

We are so grateful to you for purchasing our ©Bundle Birth Position Guide! As a supplement to your guide, watch this video to learn from Sarah, Bundle Birth’s founder, on how to use the guide!

Remember, this guide was created in conjunction with our Physiologic Birth Class for L&D Nurses HERE. We’d love to have you! Learn all the ways how the body works together to help birth the baby vaginally and safely, through positions and more!

Keep changing the game.

Grounding Techniques

Have you ever felt like your nervous system was on overdrive? Maybe it made sense to you or maybe there was no “logical” explanation? If you are wondering how to downregulate and redirect your brain from stressful and consuming thoughts, this class is for you.

Maybe you serve a population that experiences stress and you would like to bring your skills to the next level and be able to offer them resources to help them find calm in those moments – we got you here!

Grounding Techniques are body-based tools to help you or your patients/clients “ground” in difficult, stressful, or traumatic moments. In this class, Krysta Dancy teaches you how to ground yourself or another from the “top, down”.

What is Grounding? Taking the neuroscience of understanding the way our brain and body communicate with one another and using that knowledge to communicate a sense of safety and calm to our brain. They are specific techniques to regulate our nervous system so that our fight and flight (sympathetic nervous system) and rest and digest (parasympathetic nervous system) can respond appropriately to the scenario at hand so that ultimately your brain can rest.

This class is an excellent supplement to Preventing Trauma Level 1 & Level 2, as well as Healing Trauma in the Birth Professional.

BONUS Module: Responding to a Panic Attack – putting it all together

*8 Modules, 1.5 contact hours (CEs). Class expires two years from the purchase date. 

Bundle Birth, A Nursing Corporation, is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17368 to provide 1.5 contact hours upon completion of this class.

New Grad, No Job

Are you a senior nursing student or a new grad that wants Labor & Delivery?

Are you nervous about finding jobs and interviewing?

This class will guide you in building a resume and portfolio.




Preventing Birth Trauma – Level 2

Birth Professionals

I’m going to speak plainly: knowing what causes trauma is an important step in preventing and healing it- but it isn’t enough. We must learn how to help our clients access their innate resilience, strengths and growth if we want to make a difference. That’s what this course is about.

Back by popular demand! This is a sequel to the sell-out course Preventing Birth Trauma Level 1 (which is required for access to this class).

In this online class we will discuss:

  • What are the ‘two pathways” that lead to Postpartum trauma and how can you help?
  • Research updates on trauma
  • What is post-traumatic growth after a traumatic birth and what determines the lucky clients who experience it? (hint: you can help!)
  • Introducing Krysta’s brand new “Trauma-Informed Care Provider Model”- a 3 step model which helps you protect your clients’ psychological vulnerabilities to trauma, access their strengths and prevent the long-term formation of trauma.

This class will equip you with immediately useful skills, evidence-supported and clinically relevant information and more than that: it’s going to create a clear plan for prevention and healing that you can use to conceptualize your birth work right away.

Goal: After this class, you will have a deeper understanding of trauma in birth- but I want you to have more than that. This class is going to help you tap into the natural resilience, strength, and growth opportunities that your client already has.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate updated knowledge of research literature related to birth trauma including COVID 19.
  2. Understand the systemic factors which influence and perpetuate the phenomenon of Postpartum PTSD.
  3. Understand Post-Traumatic Growth as it relates to Postpartum PTSD and gain concrete skills to improve clients’ resilience after trauma.
  4. Master two clinical models to serve Trauma-Informed Care and Develop Birth Trauma Resilience.

*2.5 contact hours (CEs).  Class expires two years from the purchase date. 

Bundle Birth, A Nursing Corporation, is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17368 to provide 2.5 contact hours upon completion of this class.

Deposition & Trial

Who is the plaintiff’s attorney and what exactly does the defense do?  The legal process in medical malpractice can sound very overwhelming and a land of the unknown.

There may be a time in your journey as a nurse that you witness an adverse outcome or are named as a fact witness in a lawsuit. This can be frightening and anxiety-provoking.

In this class, we will go step by step as to what to expect through the whole process of observing/being involved in the adverse event and what the typical steps are during the time when a lawsuit is filed. You will gather knowledge of the discovery phase of the process, who is your legal team, what they do to get you prepped for the case, and the deposition process and trial.

Spoiler alert!  You can be involved in a lawsuit without an adverse event that occurs if the family or patient alleges that an injury occurred during the patient’s care.

This class is pertinent to anyone who cares for patients whether you are an LPN, RN, APRN, CNM, CRNA, or PA

Learning Objectives

1.  Participants will understand key players involved in every lawsuit (defendant, plaintiff, witness)

2.  Participants will be able to identify the anatomy of a lawsuit

3.  Participant will be able to define the standard of care

4.  Participant will be able to identify key components to the deposition process

5.  Participants will be able to identify key components of the trial process

*2 contact hours (CEs). Class expires two years from the purchase date. 

Bundle Birth, A Nursing Corporation, is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17368 to provide 2 contact hours upon completion of this class.