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Happy Hour with Bundle Birth Nurses

Two Labor and Delivery nurses changing the game in Obstetrics, one nurse and one patient at a time. Happy Hour with Bundle Birth Nurses is meant to fill the cups of L&D nurses and birth workers all over the world. Sarah and Justine share stories, research, and life in order to bring some happy to your hour. Join us once a week as we continue to change the game together!

#13 Speedy Inductions
#13 Speedy Inductions

In this episode, Sarah and Justine discuss inductions. Justine will share some tips she recently used, and Sarah will give you the method she uses for her clients. Topics include the Monica Novii, taking care of support people, massage and heat, the timing of AROM, when to get our patients upright, when to encourage our patients to be moving, epidurals,...

#12 The Right Way to do Things

Have you ever met a nurse that was determined their way was the only way to do things? Have you ever felt that your way was the best? In this episode, Sarah and Justine will discuss the ACTUAL right way to do things and how to interact with other nurses and colleagues around you. Sign up for a life and...

#12 The Right Way to do Things
#11 Why Our Job Matters
#11 Why Our Job Matters

You’ve probably heard before how much your job matters – you get to bring life into the world! That IS a big deal. In this episode Sarah offers fresh perspective on why what you do, how you do it, the intention behind every word and action matters so much and have the potential to impact the future of the world...

#10 The Newest Data on Cesarean Rates

As you may know, the United States has been on a mission to decrease the cesarean birth rate among nulliparous, term, singleton, and vertex parents. Among first-time parents, cesarean births happen almost 3 out of 5 times on average. While cesareans can be life saving in some situations, there has actually been no data on improving maternal or neonatal morbidity...

#10 The Newest Data on Cesarean Rates
#9 What We Are Learning
#9 What We Are Learning

When you think about your life, are you still learning? Do you make an effort to develop new skills or learn about new things? Are you living your life with a growth mindset with the goal of always improving? Or do you stay with a fixed mindset, always feeling the need to prove what you know and comparing yourself to...

#8 Physiologic Coping

You may have heard of coping in labor or pain management techniques, but when we say physiologic coping, do you understand what we mean? Physiologic birth has been all the rage the past few years, with everyone trying to get back to birth being a normal and physiologic process. It is an amazing movement in the right direction, but we...

#8 Physiologic Coping
#7 What NOT to do During a TOLAC
#7 What NOT to do During a TOLAC

TOLAC patients that are attempting a VBAC are a special population. We as nurses can influence how they feel during their experience with as little as 3 words. In this episode, Sarah will share a where birth, she experienced healing in her patient and will give us tips on how we can facilitate that in ours.

#6 A Non-Consented Episiotomy: Learn How to CUS

It can feel uncomfortable when we see things done or to our patients without consent. In nursing school, it is hammered into our heads that we need to advocate, but in the birth world, that can feel impossible sometimes. In this episode, Justine will share a story of an episiotomy that was done without consent and how she navigated that...

#6 A Non-Consented Episiotomy: Learn How to CUS
#5 Birth Plans: Ticket to the OR
#5 Birth Plans: Ticket to the OR

Birth plans get a bad rap. Let’s be honest. If you are an L&D nurse, you have heard the phrase “here’s a ticket to the OR.” Instead of being opposed to any and all birth plans, what if we took another stance? What if we decided to be curious instead of judgemental? It is about time we start assessing our...

#4 Epidural Shortage

If you have heard or experienced the epidural catheter shortage on your unit, you are not alone! This can feel very overwhelming as a birth worker/labor nurse, especially when we have patients that see an epidural as an expectation. In this episode, Sarah and Justine go over BIPTAME, a Bundle Birth acronym that guides us in helping our patients cope....

#4 Epidural Shortage
#13 Speedy Inductions
#13 Speedy Inductions

In this episode, Sarah and Justine discuss inductions. Justine will share some tips she recently used, and Sarah will give you the method she uses for her clients. Topics include the Monica Novii, taking care of support people, massage and heat, the timing of AROM, when to get our patients upright, when to encourage our patients to be moving, epidurals, psyche, positions, and more. This is a long episode packed with so many nuggets!

#12 The Right Way to do Things
#12 The Right Way to do Things

Have you ever met a nurse that was determined their way was the only way to do things? Have you ever felt that your way was the best? In this episode, Sarah and Justine will discuss the ACTUAL right way to do things and how to interact with other nurses and colleagues around you.

Sign up for a life and career-changing mentorship HERE!

#11 Why Our Job Matters
#11 Why Our Job Matters

You’ve probably heard before how much your job matters – you get to bring life into the world! That IS a big deal. In this episode Sarah offers fresh perspective on why what you do, how you do it, the intention behind every word and action matters so much and have the potential to impact the future of the world – yes, the WORLD.

She also introduces our #pauseatthedoor challenge to help us all be set up to give our best selves to each patient, no matter how different they are from you. Thanks for listening and subscribing!

Sign up for a life and career-changing mentorship HERE!

The podcast episode Sarah mentions.

#10 The Newest Data on Cesarean Rates
#10 The Newest Data on Cesarean Rates

As you may know, the United States has been on a mission to decrease the cesarean birth rate among nulliparous, term, singleton, and vertex parents. Among first-time parents, cesarean births happen almost 3 out of 5 times on average. While cesareans can be life saving in some situations, there has actually been no data on improving maternal or neonatal morbidity or mortality. What we do know is that cesarean births come with an increased risk of infection, blood clots, complications in later pregnancies, complications with anesthesia, and more.

In this episode, Sarah and Justine will discuss the current data on cesareans and what the trends have been over the last couple of years.

#9 What We Are Learning
#9 What We Are Learning

When you think about your life, are you still learning? Do you make an effort to develop new skills or learn about new things? Are you living your life with a growth mindset with the goal of always improving? Or do you stay with a fixed mindset, always feeling the need to prove what you know and comparing yourself to others? We can only grow if we continue to be lifelong learners.

Sarah and Justine believe we should always be learning and always trying to grow. Justine has told Sarah she has the biggest growth mindset of anyone she has ever met.

In this episode of Happy Hour with Bundle Birth Nurses, Sarah will introduce this new series, and she and Justine will go over what they are each learning during this phase of their lives.

#8 Physiologic Coping
#8 Physiologic Coping

You may have heard of coping in labor or pain management techniques, but when we say physiologic coping, do you understand what we mean?
Physiologic birth has been all the rage the past few years, with everyone trying to get back to birth being a normal and physiologic process. It is an amazing movement in the right direction, but we realized something was missing. Coping. How can we help out patients’ psyche to be able to progress in labor if we can’t help them cope?
In this episode of Happy Hour with Bundle Birth Nurses, Sarah will walk you through what Physiologic Coping is and how she plans to teach it next year in Akumal, Mexico to 400 L&D nurses.

Have a topic request? Click here!

#7 What NOT to do During a TOLAC
#7 What NOT to do During a TOLAC

TOLAC patients that are attempting a VBAC are a special population. We as nurses can influence how they feel during their experience with as little as 3 words. In this episode, Sarah will share a where birth, she experienced healing in her patient and will give us tips on how we can facilitate that in ours.

#6 A Non-Consented Episiotomy: Learn How to CUS
#6 A Non-Consented Episiotomy: Learn How to CUS

It can feel uncomfortable when we see things done or to our patients without consent. In nursing school, it is hammered into our heads that we need to advocate, but in the birth world, that can feel impossible sometimes. In this episode, Justine will share a story of an episiotomy that was done without consent and how she navigated that conversation. Sarah and Justine will discuss tips on talking to team members when it comes to these hard conversations, and they will also try to help you understand that we are not responsible for everyone’s response. Sarah will give you tips on how not to take on everyone’s response and how we can navigate hard conversations when someone reacts negatively. It all comes down to doing the right thing and doing the best we can on that given shift. That’s all we can be expected to do.

#5 Birth Plans: Ticket to the OR
#5 Birth Plans: Ticket to the OR

Birth plans get a bad rap. Let’s be honest. If you are an L&D nurse, you have heard the phrase “here’s a ticket to the OR.” Instead of being opposed to any and all birth plans, what if we took another stance? What if we decided to be curious instead of judgemental? It is about time we start assessing our bias when it comes to birth plans. Do you know what is included in the patient bill of rights? Do you know if your state prioritizes the birthing person or the baby in an emergency? Are you comfortable with an informed refusal? In this episode, Sarah and Justine discuss birth plans while removing them from the paper. Thinking about the big picture and as a communication tool for their care team. They will talk about general birth plans to the Sacred Birth Plan. Learn some tools, which include scripts on how to interact with birth plans as well as how to care for patients that have them! If you love or hate birth plans, this episode is for YOU. Thanks for listening and subscribing!

#4 Epidural Shortage
#4 Epidural Shortage

If you have heard or experienced the epidural catheter shortage on your unit, you are not alone! This can feel very overwhelming as a birth worker/labor nurse, especially when we have patients that see an epidural as an expectation. In this episode, Sarah and Justine go over BIPTAME, a Bundle Birth acronym that guides us in helping our patients cope. They will explore creative options that we can do as nurses to help our patients manage their labor.

Listen closely, there is a 50% off promo code in this episode for our on-demand Coping in Labor class!