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Labor Warm Up Badge Buddy


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Quantity Discount (%) Price
1 - 9 $9.99
10 - 49 10.01 % $8.99
50 - 99 15.02 % $8.49
100+ 20.02 % $7.99

The Labor Warm-Up Badge Buddy was developed to assist you after taking our Physiologic Birth Training for L&D Nurses!

The Labor Warm-Up Badge Buddy has been shown to help actively (but without medical interventions) manage your patient that is in early labor and/or inductions! The back side includes a full-color, graphical guide of the fetal head, pelvis, and a tool for helping navigate the pelvis. Pull out the head (not literally) and rotate it to envision where the baby is and where it needs to go!

The Labor Warm-Up Badge Buddy is a HARD COPY – it will be shipped to you – NOT a digital download. Front side: Exclusive Bundle Birth Labor Warm-Up. Back side: fetal head, pelvic rotation.

Images may have been modified to protect privacy and intellectual property rights. Images are provided for individual use only and may not be replicated, copied, distributed, or resold. All rights reserved.

Ships only to USA and Canada. Nonrefundable.

Any and all works of authorship, ideas, or other information, whether or not copyrighted, trademarked, patented, or otherwise developed in whole or in part by the Bundle Birth, A Nursing Corporation (Company), whether or not in preparation for and/or in connection with the Services or products provided herein (collectively “Intellectual Property”), is/are the exclusive property of the Company and shall continue to be the exclusive property of the Company. Materials provided to you by the Company are for your individual use only, and you are not authorized to use any of the Company’s Intellectual Property for any personal, commercial or business purposes outside the scope of this Agreement without prior written permission from the Company. You shall not share, copy, reproduce, duplicate, sell, trade, resell, distribute, exploit, or otherwise disseminate any materials received from the Company electronically or otherwise without the prior written consent of the Company. All intellectual property, including, without limitation, program materials, processes of educating or coaching, any downloadable worksheets or templates, or any custom strategies or coaching tips, shall remain the sole property of the Company. No license to sell or otherwise distribute your mentor’s or the Company’s materials is hereby granted or implied.

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