Trauma Informed Care

Healing Trauma in the Birth Professional

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Duration 1:55:31
Instructor Krysta Dancy


Birth professionals pour their heart and soul out for families. We see it all – many times beautiful, healing birth memories, and other times, we are left not knowing how to cope or what to do with the trauma we have experienced, witnessed or inadvertently participated in.

Whether you’re a L&D nurse, doctor, midwife, tech, doula or other birthing professional, we want to help you heal after a “bad birth”. We want you to have the tools to live a lasting, fulfilling career, and be able to continue to do what you love from a place of health and love.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand and describe PTSD as a central nervous system phenomenon
  2. Assess and identify trauma symptoms in themselves and colleagues
  3. Name at least 3 systemic solutions to the problem of professional trauma
  4. Prevent professional trauma with at least 3 specific strategies
  5. Implement a personal acute trauma self-treatment plan

This class is our support and love to you. You can do this, and now you have the tools to do so.

* 2 CEs from the California BRN are given for this course. Class expires two years from the purchase date. 

Krysta Dancy

Your Instructor

Krysta Dancy

MA, MFT, CBD(CBI), Provider Educator Krysta is a holistic licensed trauma therapist with almost 20 years of experience in the fields of psychology, trauma and birth. She is the founder and CEO of Dancy Perinatal Inc as well as The Birth & Trauma Support Center- a nation-wide organization dedicated to providing trauma-informed training to providers and professionals. From her lens as a birth and mental health professional, Krysta holds great optimism and warmth for each person in the birth room. Her work and passion is to see trauma-informed medical care become the norm, and to see providers and patients thrive in clinical care. In her office she treats both patients and professionals for a variety of birth and trauma related concerns.
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