Why does our coping with labor skills matter, they should just take a class and prepare themselves, right? If your epidural rates are high, won’t this class content barely be used? Our Physiologic Birth class taught you the mechanics of labor/birth and how to help the baby navigate the pelvis, this is the same class right? WRONG!
This class builds a strong case of how coping techniques should be included in the Physiologic Birth class because they have a direct and indirect affect on the labor process and can help or hinder the physiology of vaginal birth. If you’ve taken our Coping with Labor class, this class is the advanced version that includes the “why” behind everything we do, while teaching new advanced skills to help facilitate a physiologic birth!
This class is a class recording of a 2-day live class. The class was so successful and participants loved it so much THEY asked that it be made available for you!!
What will I learn?
Upon successful completion of the workshop, the participant will be able to educate, triage and better facilitate physiologic coping to meet the desires of the laboring person and accomplish a vaginal birth. This class is designed for labor & delivery nurses working with intrapartum birthing people and their partner(s) practicing in the inpatient hospital setting, but is not limited to just nurses! Birth workers, OBs, Midwives are also welcome and will learn so much!
It will provide information necessary to promote physiologic coping and birth and positively interact with a diverse demographic of birthing people through non-pharmacological coping interventions. This course promotes birth as a normal, physiologic process for most people, but recognizes that there are complexities of birth that may predispose the client to trauma, negative experiences, and interruptions in the physiologic birth process that can impact the ultimate mode of delivery.
- Learn directly from nurses that understand the flow of a unit, your time constraints and how hard your job is.
- Bonus guest instructor Krysta Dancy, perinatal trauma therapist
- 9.4 CEs based on participation through the California BRN.
- Class access expiration: March 1, 2025.
Class Content:
- Pathophysiology of pain & labor
- Epidurals effect on labor, statistics
- Keys to coping – wed down from all the research, what actually impacts coping
- Evidence on different interventions
- Types of Evidence
- What matters to patients?
- Tokophobia & nursing interventions
- Bias
- Fascia deep dive with techniques and practice
- Neocortical impact on pain and strategies
- Trauma-informed care with Krysta Dancy
- Vagus nerve with Krysta Dancy
- Breathing with practice – I bet you haven’t learned about it this way!
- Relaxation strategies
- Hormones of labor & coping – there’s a big surprise here
- Gate Control Theory techniques, including TENS with sample policy
- Sterile water injections
- Evidence on setting the mood
- Pathophysiology of touch techniques with practice
- Therapeutic communication strategies
- Adaptations for both patients with and without epidural anesthesia
- & MORE!
Gain inspiration for your job, tools for your practice and continue to level up your care.
9.5 contact hours (CEs). Class access expires on March 1, 2025
Bundle Birth, A Nursing Corporation, is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17368 to provide 9.5 contact hours upon completion of this class.