Let’s do this and get you that title!
What We Will Cover: Maternal-Fetal Physiology, Fetal Monitoring, Labor and Birth, Complications, Recovery, Postpartum, and Newborn Care, Professional Issues (Ethics, Safety, Quality Improvement), What you need to know to pass the inpatient RNC-OB test!
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the key components of maternal-fetal physiology and their implications for labor and delivery.
- Demonstrate correct fetal monitoring techniques and interpret fetal heart rate patterns in various labor scenarios.
- Identify and differentiate between normal and abnormal labor progressions and complications through case studies.
- Assess patient scenarios to determine appropriate interventions for managing complications during labor and postpartum.
- Critically Reflect on safety concerns in labor and delivery, proposing strategies for improving patient outcomes.
- Pass the Inpatient RNC-OB test!
Materials: Class workbook will be shipped out 2-4 weeks prior to class, if ordered 2 weeks before class date there is no guarantee class supply will arrive in time for class.
Study Halls
Join Jen & Heidi for an hour a month to answer your questions, celebrate your wins and help you study! Study halls are scheduled for:
- November 14, 2024 | 0900-1000 PST | 🗓️ Add to Calendar
- December 11, 2024 | 1400-1500 PST | 🗓️ Add to Calendar
- January 14, 2025 | 1200-1300 PST | 🗓️ Add to Calendar
Join a study hall call using THIS LINK.
Did you PASS? Tell us and we’ll send you something fun! Submit your info HERE.
Bundle Birth, A Nursing Corporation, is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17368 to provide 8 contact hours (CEs) upon completion of this class.